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Circumstances surrounding Raoul Wallenberg's assignment in Budapest |
Upon Wallenberg's arrival in Hungary, approximately 400 000 provincial Jewish men, women and children had already been deported to the extermination camps in Poland, under the direction of Adolf Eichmann. Only about 200 000 Jews remained in the capital. Eichmann was now preparing to erase the entire Jewish population within a short period of time. Soon after his arrival, Wallenberg organised the creation of a special department at the Swedish Legation, in charge of saving Jews. The staff mainly consisted of Jewish volunteers, who numbered over 300 in the last months of the operation. The Swedish Legation in Budapest was already before Wallenberg's arrival issuing provisional passports and certificates to Jews with Swedish connections. Wallenberg's first task became to extend this idea and start mass-producing these protective documents. He had previously learned about the German and Hungarian weakness for external symbolism. Therefore an impressive protective passport ("schutz-pass" in German) printed in yellow and blue with the Three Crowns coat of arms in the middle, was designed. In actual fact, these protective passports had no value what so ever, from the view of international law. With rather shocking and unconventional methods (everything from bribery to blackmail threats) he succeeded to issue more then 10 000 of these protective passports. As Eichmann's tactics grew increasingly brutal, Wallenberg built up a network of "Swedish Houses", where Jews could seek shelter. The number of sheltering Jews in these houses soon rose to about 15 000 people. As a last effort, before disappearing into the Soviet prison system, Wallenberg stopped an ordered massacre of 50 000 Jews in the Jewish ghetto of Budapest. Two days later The Soviet troops arrived finding 120 000 Jews living in Budapest. Some estimations say that Wallenberg must be given credit for having saved approximately 100 000 of them. |