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Israel’s Freshwater Streams Back to Life: KKL-JNF’s Sustainable Development
KKL-JNF champions the drafting of a comprehensive master plan for the
country’s stream basins, as an essential prerequisite for rehabilitation
activity. Such plans must be drafted with the top experts from all relevant
scientific, conservation, and economic fields, and must undergo meticulous
review, as well as being available for public review and comment. In fact,
master plans of this type are already at various stages of drafting and
implementation for every stream in
comprehensive plan for ensuring water quality in freshwater streams must grapple
with site-specific pollution sources such as sewage, industrial runoff, and
livestock runoff, as well as non-point sources such as agricultural discharges
and contamination, urban runoff, and quarrying. As such, the activities required
for rehabilitation are varied, and include land stabilization through modifying
the agricultural practices and upgrading urban sewage treatment.
KKL-JNF views positively the establishment of environmentally friendly systems
that aid freshwater stream rehabilitation, such as “green basins”, and will
act to strengthen them.
logical assignment of roles to parties engaged in freshwater stream
rehabilitation requires professionalization and the exploitation of relative
strengths and
order to follow up on the progress of the rehabilitation process, as well as
prevent a worsening of the parameters in the streams, the in-stream conditions
must be monitored constantly. This monitoring, which constitutes an essential
part of any master plan, includes testing the physical and biological conditions
of the stream, the chemical, physical, and biological parameters of its water
quality, and mapping the potential pollution sources in its drainage basin. The
KKL-JNF will direct research activity aimed at strengthening the existing
information infrastructure about streams, and will act to support studies aimed
at drawing conclusions from cumulative rehabilitation experience.
stream needs an accountable party or agency in charge of it, who is obligated to
manage it and maintain its health; ideally this party will be local. Therefore,
the KKL-JNF supports the establishment of more statutory Stream Authorities
as local governmental agencies authorized to ensure each stream’s ongoing
maintenance, on the condition that such authorities have the sufficient
financial means to implement the tasks assigned to them.
KKL-JNF, as the steward of lands and responsible for their care and maintenance,
sees itself as a partner of the stream authorities, drainage authorities, and
every local actor that takes upon itself the responsibility for the management
of streams. The KKL-JNF shall join freshwater stream rehabilitation and
maintenance efforts nationwide, especially involving stretches of stream
included in National Outline Plan no. 22 for Forestry, and any other stretches
that shall be designated as specifically its jurisdiction. KKL-JNF activities
shall focus on these stretches that shall be implemented in the context of the
comprehensive, planned vision for the stream and its drainage basin.