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Israel’s Freshwater Streams Back to Life: KKL-JNF’s Sustainable Development
of pollutants and subsequently ensuring the renewed flow of streams that flowed
in the past are the primary tasks at the beginning of the rehabilitation
process. When this has been accomplished, actions should be taken to improve the
landscape and recreational options along the stream’s banks. These objectives
dictate the KKL-JNF’s restoration philosophy and priorities.
landscape and scenery improvement along the banks is a vital part of the
rehabilitation process, ultimately, such activity is secondary in importance to
treating the stream itself and to the abating of pollution sources that must
take place in the initial stages of rehabilitation.
quality of water in the streams must be based on chemical, physical, and
biological standards derived from the stream’s ecological needs, its planned
uses, and its carrying capacity. The KKL-JNF will act to ensure meticulous
adherence to these standards in those stretches of stream that are sensitive and
require special ecological conditions, enabling the flow of clean water and the
support of rare species’ habitats.
activities shall include habitat improvement, for instance riffles in areas
where underwater vegetation grows that protrudes above the surface, together
with maximum use of indigenous species.
Moreover, springs constitute a special component along the streams, and
likewise require special treatment in ongoing planning and management.
KKL-JNF strives to restore to the streams water whose properties are as similar
as possible to that which flowed there in the past. This effort has far-reaching
ecological implications involving the distinctions between various habitats.
Estuaries, for example, constitute particularly rich ecosystems that are harmed
when the natural balance between fresh water and saltwater is disturbed.
their function as homes to aquatic ecosystems, freshwater streams constitute a
water source for land animals. Therefore, the streams’ roles are particularly
vital as natural ecological corridors. The KKL-JNF will cooperate with all
governmental agencies to ensure that rehabilitation plans will strengthen stream
ecosystems and preserve the continuity of natural ecological corridors.
KKL-JNF supports, to the extent possible, utilization of water in the down
stream segments enabling maximum flow along most stretches of the stream stream.
In addition, the agitation of water in the upstream segments facilitating
its natural purification should enable multiple use of water that is allocated
for flow in the streams.
tourist attractions along streams, the KKL-JNF prefers dispersed development in
“patches” along the stream corridor as opposed to uniform and continuous
development. The patch development model is eminently suitable to streams and
enables the flora and fauna therein to cope with localized, intensive human
water flow along the streams’ banks, the KKL-JNF prefers diverse vegetation
species compatible with the environment, that are flood-resistant and that
support local fauna. Examples of these include acacia, oleander, chaste tree,
and mila. In certain stretches along the stream banks, the KKL-JNF will
prioritize new plantings to facilitate the improvement of recreation sites.
Planning of the routing of the flow must attempt to reflect the stream’s
natural pathway, thereby minimizing possible harm to the ecosystem, flora, and
fauna throughout.