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Jewish Tours Argentina




Social Action




1,400 families receive on am monthly basis, through a supermarket-shopping card, an amount destined to buying food.



Around 800 medications are given out to people with a doctor's prescription.

Clothing and shoes: through the communal clothing stores in the Almagro and Paternal Centres.


Economic Subsidies

Every month 400 families receive an amount of money for their basic survival, as well as in emergency cases, such as illness and housing problems, subsidies are given to allow them to face the situation.


Geriatric and Psychiatric Internment

67 people who need geriatric or psychiatric internment, and don't have the means for it or a family that can help them, use these services subsidized by AMIA.


Psychological and Psychiatric Treatment

This service is offered to those persons who suffer from mental health problems, through specialized institutions.


Referrals to legal and housing services

In the cases where the families need such services their transfer is managed through the Bait program, run by Joint, and the Office of Legal Services, organized by both Joint and the Tzedaká Foundation.


Insertion and Labor Training

Courses and labor training workshops are offered as well as orientation mediation in the search for employment, through the AMIA Employment Office and the Ariel Job Center.


Support for families with children between 0 and 3 years old

The families with such characteristics receive, thanks to the Baby Help programs of Joint, food and care products for children of that age. Play and educational workshops for children are also offered.


Community Integration

Recreational, cultural and educational activities are organized for the beneficiaries of the three centers and, through other community institutions (social-sports, synagogues, schools, etc.), the possibility for such families to access the regular activities of those institutions is arranged.


Social Orientation

All the beneficiary families receive the systematic attention of professionals that contribute towards the family reorganization resulting form the crisis and offer emotional support for their economic and social reinsertion.


There are two additional programs open to the community


Intermediation of Lodging

A service of mediation between the supply and demand of rooms for rent in family homes is offered; in this way people that have a have an available room and cannot afford to sustain their household receive an additional income and people who cannot afford to pay the rent for a household due to their situation find a place to live.


To contact this program please phone 4959-8815 or email: acciónsocial@amia.org.ar


Careers of the Elderly

This program fulfils a double function, on the one hand it offers employment to the people its trains to do the job and, on the other hand, its offers the skilled home-careers service to those older people who can in this way maintain their independence thus avoiding their institutionalization.


To contact this program please phone 4959-8815 or email: cuidadoras@amia.org.ar

These actions have the support of the Joint Distribution Committee


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